Browse through our entire catalog of products and pick the right one to start your investing journey today!
✔️ Buy and sell stocks with sheer convenience
✔️ Open a free online trading account with GraphUp
✔️ Start investing at your convenience ease with GraphUp
Invest with our mutual fund investing app
Start investing in mutual funds with easy monthly SIPs
Browse through the best companies and places to invest in
Real time & historical data API for trading
Unlimited access to stock market data APIs
Get customized API bridges with our API for algorithmic trading
Invest in more than 3000 stocks all over the world
Free and easy account global account opening
Start investing with as low as $1
Be the first one to invest in IPOs
Start investing in IPOs as soon as they are released
Get prior news and updates about all the upcoming IPOs
Monitor your investments in a single place
A stock tracking platform built for your convenience
A comprehensive investment portfolio tracker
Built for your convenience
Fund Transfer
Net Backoffice
Brokerage Calculator
Account Closure
Holidays Calender